Saturday, November 8, 2008

Preacher Busy Plagiarizing, Part 2

Is the type too small to read? Then just go to the Web page from which this column has been copied. You'll have to scroll down past last week's plagiarism (read our Nov. 1 post, below) to reach this week's plagiarism. But it's all there.

Old Word Wolf wrote DeSoto Sun editors to point out that Patrick Elmore, pastor of two United Methodist Churches in these parts, had appropriated the copyrighted material of another writer. Nonetheless, Elmore's Plagiarism Part 2 has been awarded six columns in today's paper.

... Here’s the rest of the sermon: ...

It’s clearly the culture and thus acceptable to plagiarize at the Charlotte Sun, DeSoto Sun, and such. How does Old Word Wolf know this? Take a look at who's still "on the payroll."

Last week, Laura Schmid, David Dunn-Rankin and Chris Porter, principal editors of the DeSoto Sun and Charlotte Sun, were notified of Patrick Elmore’s cut-and-paste Saturday sermon. This week, they played Elmore’s Saturday sermon, part 2, plagiarized from the same copyrighted source, large and wide. Plagiarist’s Status: still on the payroll.

A couple of weeks back, staff writer John Lawhorne, used his byline instead of crediting Wikipedia for his “research” into a band’s history. Plagiarist's status: still on the payroll.

Last month, Gerald A. Rogavin, writing for the Gondolier Sun, a sister publication, did a crude plagiarism of a New York Times newspaper article. Plagiarist’s status: still on the payroll.

Susan Cairo, who plagiarized a park service brochure rather than write her own copy about Myakka State Park: still on the payroll.

Barbara Oehlbeck, who plagiarized the History Channel back in May for “her” piece on Decoration Day, was recently awarded a bylined article announcing a USF award to a plant biologist. Plagiarist’s status: Well, you get the point.

These are only the most recent examples of nearly three dozen cases of plagiarism (including the occasional editor and
not just freebie "columnists") that we have posted in this blog since launching about a year ago in response to more than a dozen earlier cases that were reported to the publishers and largely ignored.

The publisher’s and editor’s culture at Sun Coast Media Group conglomerate condones – encourages – plagiarism by continuing to accept these articles without consequences for the plagiarists. Plagiarism is cheap, easy, and there’s no real penalty, right? Staff writers, editors, "men of god," and correspondents have all at one time or another cut-and-pasted their way to a byline at these papers. Here, there’s no expectation that the “journalists” investigate, check, attribute, or otherwise play fair with readers, subscribers, advertisers, much less the actual the ethics of publishing.


  1. I won't be renewing my subscription. Thanks.

  2. It's very sad to see management not care about what they are printing. I guess they don't mind looking like fools and making a complete mockery out of the journalism profession.

  3. I agree with anonymous. It is a sad thing that the newspaper wouldn't care about this. For me, it reminds me of when companies use to be allowed to use DDT before the government banned it.

    This stuff that these newspapers are doing is DDT that affects the intellect.

    Sad is the best word for it.

  4. Let me get this straight. You notified the publisher about the minister's plagarism and they went head and ran his next piece which is a continuation of the stolen chapter?
