Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The Big Picture Conserves News-Gathering Energy

Too bad this looks fairly innocuous in thumbnail. In real life, this six-column wide, half-page tall color photo of a man adjusting an amusement-park car screams, "Arcadia's six reporters and editors didn't write any news, cover local government or schools, and no one sent us any consumer-generated content, so you'll just have to look at the pretty picture."

So, why not go to the trouble to inform Arcadians about the world around them? Surely there was a Florida story on the wires, surely there is news from across the ocean ... yes, it's the hometown section, but if you're having production problems, this is not the way to carry on


And .....


  1. A photography professor in college once told me that if you're not sure a photo is good just print it bigger and it will look better.

    He was wrong. But in all fairness he probably never saw a SCMG publication.

  2. at least they salvaged it with a Beatles reference that no headline writer has ever used.

  3. I have a feeling readers can expect more of these giant photos, especially as the company continues to slash its staff.
