Wednesday, December 2, 2009

The Bathroom Ad

A woman in curlers poses on the potty, reading a newspaper. The folks at the Sun-Herald think this is a wonderful moment that describes the paper's "special relationship" with readers.

The publisher is telling readers his full-page, full-color bathroom snicker is more important than news about local government, the school board, public safety issues, or even state news -- and way more important than a weekend wrap up from the Middle East, Philippines, Japan, Somalia, South Africa, Niger, Peru, Panama.

Readers aren't looking for a special relationship. We're looking for news. And we'd appreciate more of it.


  1. You are acting like you have never worked for a newspaper before, when your loyal followers know that is not the case. You know that advertising space is not controlled nor edited by the editorial side - it's an entirely different department. To imply that because editorial didn't have enough news so they ran an offensive ad is inaccurate.
    Once again, congratulations on taking things out of context and twisting them to make someone else look bad, and make yourself look good.
    You are losing credibility with every post. Kudos.

  2. "Anonymous" injects the concept of "offensive" -- not part of the post. Anonymous ignores that in this family owned and operated newspaper every inch of space is approved by someone related to a Dunn-Rankin. "Anonymous" knows very well there is NO separation of ad and editorial in this particular paper -- just look at the watered-down "local news" that emphasizes quilting parties and toy giveaways instead of -- as OWW points out -- news that would make you, Anonymous, a better-informed citizen. The DeSoto School Board met two weeks ago with NO PUBLIC NOTICE -- a big sunshine violation. Did the newspaper cover this? "Anonymous" appears to be a paid employee and/or relative of the publisher. Keep up the good work, OWW. We've missed you.

  3. Plop, plop. Fizz, fizz.

    Thats what came to mind when i saw this. imagine a real newspaper advertising its pride in being a bathroom companion. Your right. we want news, not self promotion.

  4. Actually, anon #1, if you would not only read, but comprehend what OWW wrote, she says that the publisher is telling readers about a "special relationship." She never says editorial ran the ad. And the publisher would certainly have the ability to chastise whoever ran this tacky house ad.

  5. On the cart pathSat Dec 05, 09:32:00 AM

    This is most likely an ad template from the National Newspaper Association.

    Part of the reason I know this is that I know there is no one even remotely capable of posing and lighting a photograph even of this basic professional quality.

    Annonymous #1 is correct that advertising space is not determined by anyone in the editorial department. To correct him/her slightly, this is what is known as a promotional or in-house ad, not a paid ad.

    He also points out correctly that the question of how much news there was, would not have stopped placement of this ad.

    But what he fails to point out is that it wasn't too long ago that the Sun Editor Chris Porter not only allowed a photo and quote of himself to appear in a promotional ad. I believe when question about it by, I think it was Editor and Publisher magazine, Porter claimed it was his idea. My apologies for lack of accurate detail, I could not find the ad or the E&P article in the archives of either publication.

    If the editorial department does not have the guts to stand up and be counted against such ridiculously juvenile promotion, it will go on.

    Newspapers, the printed versions, are dying.

    Real journalist, most all of whom have resigned from SCMG, have the guts to know that it's better to live on your feet than die on your knees.

    As for Annonymous #1 who may work at a SCMG paper, instead of spending time writing on this Web site, why don't you go proofread something in your paper.

  6. On the cart path makes a good point about template ads, especially considering there are no misspelled words in the ad.
